• Wooden wick

  • Sustainability

  • Selfcare

  • 100% soy wax

  • Handmade

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  • Waarom houten lonten?

    Waarom houten lonten?

    Bij Botanica Aroma hebben we bewust gekozen voor houten lonten in onze kaarsen, en daar zijn goede redenen voor. Hier zijn enkele voordelen die deze keuze met zich meebrengt

    Waarom houten lonten?

    Bij Botanica Aroma hebben we bewust gekozen voor houten lonten in onze kaarsen, en daar zijn goede redenen voor. Hier zijn enkele voordelen die deze keuze met zich meebrengt

  • Top, heart, and base notes in your candle

    Top, heart, and base notes in your candle

    Ever wondered why some candles have different smells when you light them? It's because of something called top, heart, and base notes. Let's explore this and find out what it...

    Top, heart, and base notes in your candle

    Ever wondered why some candles have different smells when you light them? It's because of something called top, heart, and base notes. Let's explore this and find out what it...

  • Unveiling the hidden risks

    Unveiling the hidden risks

    The truth about paraffin wax candles Introduction: In the warm glow of a candlelit room, the ambiance is set, and relaxation takes over. But have you ever considered the invisible elements...

    Unveiling the hidden risks

    The truth about paraffin wax candles Introduction: In the warm glow of a candlelit room, the ambiance is set, and relaxation takes over. But have you ever considered the invisible elements...

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